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Elements of a Company's Success

  • Management team skills 

  • Project funding and cash flow / burn

  • Advisory Board selection and guidance

  • Market research and analysis

  • Marketing / Advertising

  • Environmental permitting

  • Personnel planning and training

  • Budget and cost control

  • Strategic planning

  • Financial planning and control

  • Proforma projections, Opex, Capex

  • Stakeholder communications

  • Process and equipment design

  • Engineering

  • Scale-up from bench to commercial

  • Data generation and analysis

  • Quality accreditation

  • Pilot plant operations / batch records

  • Contractor selection and management

  • Building plans, renovations or construction

  • Intellectual property protection

  • Quality control / assurance

  • Process control 

  • Legal agreements: NDAs, JV, Supply, Master Service, etc.

  • Information technology and control

  • Raw material supply and logistics

  • Inbound and outbound logistics

  • Duties and import / export

  • Customer acceptance evaluations 

  • Public relations

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