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Founder Bio--David F. Peterson 

With 35 years of industrial experience, the founder of Cedar Rock Consulting has worked in a variety of companies. David has worked in a Fortune 500 company, founded a technology start-up where he was the CEO and was the Vice President of Technology in a second technology company with this role evolving into a Co-President position.


As the CEO of a successful technology start-up, David started the company and led the company through the early development stage through the sale to a pharmaceutical company. As the VP of Technology for a new technology minerals-based start-up, he was instrumental in developing a proprietary technology and scaling up the technology through a pilot plant. He also worked in senior management position for a world-class pulp and paper operation. In all of these roles, there have been significant business and product development achievements.With experience in major industries and numerous cross-functional roles, we bring unique skill sets that help take your company to new levels. 

David has an MBA (MSIA) from Purdue University and BS Engineering from the University of Minnesota.


At Cedar Rock, we understand the needs and issues of starting a new technology company or taking a young company to the next level.  Starting a company is not for the faint-hearted. In addition to the founder's experience, his network of experts can bring to your project the right skill set to help you be successful.

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